Veterans participating in yoga at Michael's Foundation in Clermont, Florida, a Veteran community

Support your wellness journey. Tailored, certified classes for Veterans, Led by experts.

Recognizing the significance of mental well-being in conjunction with physical fitness, we are proud to present a range of meditation and wellness programs. Given that the definition of wellness can vary for each individual, our team is thrilled to offer an array of programs that cater to the unique needs of participants, regardless of their mental and physical well-being journey. Our workshops, facilitated by certified professionals, promote healthy living and well-being, and encompass an assortment of options, including fitness-oriented sessions, yoga therapy and classes, drum circles, sound healing, equine-based learning certified programs, and gender-specific programs. With our wellness programs, our goal is to foster a supportive environment among participants, inspire from within, and advocate for a well-rounded lifestyle.